If Sam were dead, I think he'd be rolling in his grave.
autarch on 2005-07-21T19:53:51
That comment made me realize that one could call HTML::Template from the embedded Perl code. That'd be brilliant!Recursive programming
davebaker on 2005-07-21T20:06:43
Perhaps we've stumbled onto some whole new paradigm for web programming-- the recursive script:-) Re:Unbelievable
ziggy on 2005-07-22T15:15:23
It's the same old pattern in a different light. Ingy had a hack to interpret dynamically generated Perl code from within cpr.Yep -- using C to generate Perl within an interpreted C script that's run by Inline.pm, within a Perl interpreter. I'm just waiting for Pugs / Ponie to support this most egregious of hacks.