"Why, yes I am..."

autarch on 2002-01-21T21:46:10

So after finding out a posting to jobs.perl.org was not for a real job (they wanted to pay in stock, not cash) I sent this message:

Please do not post jobs where you are not offering compensation in the form of actual money (cash, check, wire transfer, whatever). We are not interested in jobs where compensation is in the form of valueless stock, goodwill, free pizza, or swift kick in the rear.

-dave jobs.perl.org admin

and received this fairly amusing reply:

Dave Are you the admin for perl or just some disgruntled hack

Well, I thought my sig made it pretty clear!

For those curious this was from someone named Ken Roberts at "quotechoice@yahoo.com" (Yahoo email address for job contact is a bad sign, I think). The job is (of course) no longer listed on jobs.perl.org.