Jobless again

autarch on 2002-01-21T19:17:48

Doh! Turns out I'm out of a job as of the end of this month. I was working for a dot-com startup of all things. Who would've thought they would have financial problems? ;)

Seriously, they were very good about letting us know the state of the company and they told us last week that we were running low on funds. Today the CEO called me to let me know that they're letting go all the development staff and just keeping sales with the intention of trying to sell the thing and hopefully get the company back on its feet.

Unlike most dot-coms, we actually produced a completely functional (and fairly neat) product so it might happen. If they come back I could have my job back but who knows what wlil happen. I'm hoping to get some contract work soon although the state I live in (Minnesota) does have excellent unemployment benefits which I'll be signing up for very soon.

Anyway, if anyone wants a Mason/Alzabo/mod_perl expert for some contract work, please feel free to email me. I could also do training for any of those technologies (particularly Mason) and would be willing to do a little traveling if necessary.

Anyway, happy MLK day to everybody! This is a good day to lose my job because thinking of MLK reminds me that there's people who struggle a lot more than my _extremely_ privileged self. For those who've never read it, MLK's letter from a Birmingham jail is good holiday reading.