Too early on Saturday morning

autarch on 2002-01-05T15:57:32

Ugh, every Saturday morning I have to get up at an unholy hour (round 8:00 or so) to drive my wife to work because she still doesn't have her license.

Normally I'd then go see a Hong Kong movie at 11 AM ( but I went and saw it last Friday at midnight instead and while I like Once A Thief a lot, I don't need to see it twice in the space of 8 days.

I added some cool stuff to Alzabo recently to allow you to join to a single table under multiple aliases. Its very simple to use, which is good. Now to get it to output Dia XML!

The book is damn close to being done (for tech review) if I could just get around to it.

I started playing with KPresenter yesterday (though I'm a Gnome'r) and it is quite nice. It has a good balance of features and simplicity. I've decided I'm going to be slick at YAPC and OSCON this year and have real slides, no more HTML crud.

Damian (I think) makes the point (somewhere online) that having bullet points appear on the screen as you talk about them is a really good strategy because it keeps the audience focused on what you're talking about at _that_ moment, as opposed to seeing a huge blob of text and randomly reading bits of it.

So far, so good. I have about 8 slides or so for a revised-from-last-year Alzabo talk/tutorial. I figure it'll be about 70-100 more.

If I actually go ahead and submit the 5 talks I'm thinking of and they get accepted then I'll have my work cut out for me. Actually, I probably need to cut it down to only 3-4 since 3 of the talks I am considering giving are on projects that I've either just begun (Dia::Diagram) or not even started at all (HTML::Mason::I18N and a web forum using Mason & Alzabo). I told a friend of mine about this tentative plan of mine and he just shook his head like I was crazy, which I probably am. But it seems like it'd be good incentive to actually finish the code!

But then I remember that I already have plenty of work I haven't done yet, like version 2 of the Hong Kong Movie Database. That's coming along nicely though. Alzabo makes it really easy (and this is the project for which Alzabo was started, those 2 long years ago), at least relatively. I never could have gotten anywhere on this without it. I promised myself I wouldn't buy Wizardry 8 til a releasable version of HKMDB v2 is done. That's incentive!

Well, I have til March to do all my submissions so I guess I'll see how things stand then.