What makes one man brilliant and the other one a crackpot? What, for example, would people think of most of Damian's modules, most notably Quantum::Superpositions, if they weren't originating from him? Not much good, I'm sure...
Re:Oh, I don't know...
autarch on 2004-03-21T17:44:01
Quantum::Superpositions is actually quite a useful module. Basically, it provides a number of operators for doing set operations over sets of scalars. The name is, admittedly, a rather silly joke (though his talk on it was brilliant), but the core functionality is useful. That's why in Perl 6 this functionality will be part of the core language, but renamed as "junction operators" (aka, set operators).
Ingy's IO::All is clever because it takes a single large domain (I/O), and provides a DWIMmy, unified API for the whole domain. Var, OTOH, provides a unified API for a whole bunch of unrelated domains, which is just goofy. It also commits the Meta-ish sin of providing objects for basic Perl data structures like arrays and hashes. That's always a bad sign.