It's that time of year again.
I don't get too excited about it, myself, having grown up a Jewish atheist and now being mostly just an atheist. I guess I'm still Jewish but I've gotten so completely disgusted by Israel that I feel weird about being Jewish. That's very sad because being Jewish isn't really a bad thing, but I have trouble embracing it nowadays.
Anyway, I will engage in my traditional Christmas celebration tomorrow, which consists of going to see a movie and eating out (with my parents as a kid it was always Chinese but there's a great vegetarian Indian place here that'll be open tomorrow).
Movie theaters and ethnic restaurants are usually the only things open (and gas stations too, I think) and its always fun to go hang out with all the other non-Christians.
Today was a _big_ patch to various libraries in the Perl core as part of some ExtUtils cleanup I've been doing. Then I should get back to work on the Mason book (we're almost done!) and the new version of the Hong Kong Movie Database and Alzabo and my bazillion other projects. I am such a geek.