Taipei Ho ...

autarch on 2003-12-17T15:35:23

So as can be seen on the front page, I'll be speaking at YAPC::Taipei in March. My wife is Taiwanese, so I've been there twice before. But going without her will be odd, especially when I visit my in-laws, because I don't speak much Chinese and they don't speak much English.


jesse on 2003-12-17T22:11:05

It'll definitely be interesting. (And I speak maybe a dozen words of "Chinese", some mandarin, some cantonese).

Now it's time to play the ever-fun "find cheap flights" game


autarch on 2003-12-18T04:08:34

I like Eva Air ( Taiwan's other airline, China Airlines, is slightly cheaper, but has a poor safety record. Of course, it may be cheaper for you to take an American airline, though the Taiwanese ones have better service.


jesse on 2003-12-18T04:56:23

*nod* Thanks (and sorry for not getting back to you on that pointer by mail). My dad has a favorite consolidator who can often work magic on flights to Asia. I've promised him that I'll check out her details, but I hadn't previously heard of Eva. Thanks!