Saint Perl workshop went well on 2009-12-20T19:13:31

Last Friday there was the forth Russian Perl Workshop "Saint Perl 2009" which happened in Saint Petersburg, Northen capital of Russia.

We were happy to occupy the venue offered by Saint Petersburg University, although in the campus 50 minutes away from the city itself.

I am happy to say that full organization process was done by local organizer, the leader of, Alex Kotov, who started the event and brought it to complete success :-)

Usual (sad) practice was to see only 50-60 % of registered attendees, but instead we had brilliant talks, including the series given by students and teachers of Ural State University. My favourite talks at the workshop were the one about new things in Perl 5.12 and the one I'd entitle "How to make Google Wave at home" :-)

Among that, I've "tested" new fast train between Saint Petersburg and Moscow; it only started connecting the two capitals the day before the workshop.