Salary for Perl and PHP people here in Russia on 2008-12-01T14:38:54

Alex sent me a link to Oleg’s post at livejounral where he publishes diagrams of Vlad’s analysis of salary rates which appeare at one of job websites. Despite I do not fully beleive the source, and the coverage is not big enough, the general trend is correct.

These graps shows the number of vacancies and the number of resumes which mention particular pay rates. I've converted them to Euros per year value.>
People commenting that made a note that the shift in money might be caused of the shift in ages of Perl and PHP people.

Sources are for Perl and for PHP.

uhhhh money

jozef on 2008-12-02T12:16:45

¥€$, ¥€$

Well, looks like the IT salaries are rounding up around the world thanks to internet, cheap phones, cheap flights, etc. Every country can be just happy that the IT guy is paying tax in it...

Re:uhhhh money on 2008-12-02T13:00:33

By the way, figures in those graphs are probably combined of those with tax included and those without the tax.