At one of Perl-related websites I saw an Google AdSense advertisment which said: "Hotels in Perl". Strange! :-)
It was a surprise for me that there is German town near the point where borders of Germany, France and Luxemburg meet, and the name of that town is Perl.
Note that there is only one place named exactly Perl in the globe map, and at least three that include Ruby in the name.
After I've posted the link to mailing list, they send another link which points to "Perlovka" district near the border of Moscow. The name in fact means "orge perle" and is a common slang name (I do not like that usage) for Perl in Russian. Later, Alex pointed to another place which was nearby, its name was "Perlish cemetery".
Another occurance of Perl in the name demonstrated Peter Edwards at Ukrainian Perl Workshop: he inserted a slide in his talk where Peter was standing near the sign with a word "Perlina" (well, in some sense that name could be translated from Ukrainian as "Huge piece of Perl").