Perl event I am going to attend this autumn on 2008-07-21T20:10:40

In August starts a series of various Perl events I am going to be at. Autumn will be fulfilled with them. Current calendar of my visits is like this:

* 11-17 August. YAPC::Europe 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark * 17-20 September. Italian Perl Workshop, Pisa * 23-28 September. Far East Perl Workshop, Vladivostok, Russia * 18-20 October. Belorussian Perl Workshop, Minsk * 1-2 November. Third Russian Perl Workshop, Rostov-on-Don * ?? November. Joined + workshop, Bratislava, Slovakia

I'd also be happy to visit London if they announce London workshop.

Bratislava/Vienna workshop...

JonathanWorthington on 2008-07-21T22:55:48

...will be in November, not October. I'm pretty sure it will be, anyway. :-)