Encode and CGI::Session... again?

ambs on 2010-01-09T19:38:36

In my last post I was complaining about 'use encoding'. As suggested, I changed. Now, I am using just 'Encode' module, 'encode' function. But that is not working correctly as well.

Basically, I continue to get errors with calls to renew and renewed method. Curiously, they are not deterministic. Sometimes nothing gives error. Some other times, it gives error when creating the CGI::Session object: Can't locate object method "renewed" via package "Encode::utf8" at /usr/lib/perl5/core_perl/POSIX.pm line 26

I really would like to know if this problem might be from Encode and CGI::Session working together (I just got the bug when adding sessions to the website) or if it is about mod_perl working with both of them.

No idea. But this is giving me pain...

Re: Encode and CGI::Session... again?

daxim on 2010-01-11T12:34:29

The bug is on line 17.