Why am I passionate about Perl?

ambs on 2008-05-08T17:30:41

brian d foy wrote a post about his keynote at the Portuguese Perl Workshop. As one of the main organizers, I think I should give the example. So, here I go.

The person who introduced me to Perl showed me that... it was concise and similar to C.

I first starting using Perl to... build a simple digital library on the web.

I kept using Perl because... it was used on some computer science classes for Natural Language Processing.

I can't stop thinking about Perl... because I like all that underlining magic.

I'm still using Perl because... there isn't any other language with such a wonderful and lazy community (and CPAN). Also, because Perl let you make your things done!

I get other people to use Perl by... teaching the Perl during Natural Language Processing classes, and by showing them how things can be wrote easily in Perl.

I also program in C, and I can't say I like more Perl or C. Different languages for different things. Sorry, brian!