Archive::Any is a small and nice module by Clint Moore to manage ZIP and TGZ files. It also includes some kind of plugin system to be able to open other archive types as well.
Meanwhile, Clint does not release any new version since November 2006, and there is a critical bug reported since January 2007. A simple bug on a test that makes CPAN to fail installing Archive::Any if Test::POD::Coverage is not installed.
Given this, I am willing to fix this module and release it. But for that, I would like first to ask if anybody knows Clint, so I can contact him first.
Re:Oh crap!
hydo on 2008-04-22T20:35:04
Also, in the interest of full disclosure, the brains and awesomeness behind the module is schwern, I just took over maintenance - and badly from the looks of it.