I've been forgetting about this... we already have a website for YAPC::EU. It is very, very empty, but we have it at
It is wiki based, so you can help constructing the page! Conferences sites are not communities, the point is to give information to people planning to attend. Not much discussion, just things like "here are some photos of the venue", or "Celebrity so and so confirmed they'll attend the conference". And the talks list, and the schedule. Not much room for people outside the small number of organisers to add information. I could also mention wiki spam. OK, I usually don't like to have to connect to a site to check if anything happpened (conferences are slow to organise at the beginning, and hectic at the end), when a mailing-list can keep me informed (usually at a slow rate, see previous parenthetised comment). By the way, there is a YAPC::Europe mailing list!
Some wikis provide that as an RSS feed too. Cool. Oh yes. Someday, I'll try to find out what that RSS thingy is. And bookmarks, too. It's just that I'm lazy, you know. More, unfortunately, kwiki does not support anymore private or protected page. I'm always asking INGY when we will have it again, but it seems we will not.
Regarding spam, I'm doing regular backups of that page. If they come, we will remove it.
And, now, the questions to you: what is the YAPC::EU mailing list and, is AST ready? O:-)
Cheers. The mailing list is conferences[AT]yapceurope.org. See http://www.yapceurope.org/contact.html.
To subscribe, send a email to majordomo[AT]yapceurope.org, with the line subscribe conferences in the message body. As for Act (A Conference Toolkit), development should start again Really Soon Now. Several conferences organisers have asked for it, and we really want to deliver this tool/service to the Perl community.
Wikis for conference sites?
BooK on 2004-11-06T13:58:27
Re:Wikis for conference sites?
merlyn on 2004-11-06T14:03:31
That's why the only URL I usually bookmark for a wiki site, especially a conference, is "recent changes".
Re:Wikis for conference sites?
BooK on 2004-11-06T15:12:14
Re:Wikis for conference sites?
ambs on 2004-11-06T15:35:49
BooK, at the moment we are using a wiki because it is much easier to us to maintain the page. For example, COG works where just HTTP can be used (almost). So, using HTTP to make he edit the page is nice.
Re:Wikis for conference sites?
BooK on 2004-11-07T18:57:48