TPR::EU - Request for ADS

ambs on 2004-10-16T18:52:25

Given the small number of subscribers in Europe (about 50 at the moment), we need extra money. As you might imagine, to print less than 500 copies is too much expensive. So, we are accepting ADS for the European Version.

Why bother?

drhyde on 2004-10-18T09:18:55

If there are so few of us, why bother with a local print run? It would appear to not be sustainable.

Re:Why bother?

cog on 2004-10-18T14:49:43

Not very related, but this reminds of something...

When a Portuguese reporter asked Billy Corgan (leader of the Smashing Pumpkins) why they wouldn't come to Portugal, he said his manager had told them they didn't have enough fans here... The reporter told him he was wrong and managed to convince him to come...

Later, Billy would say to rest of the band: "We're going! Even if we get to play for a room of 150 people, they are still our fans and they deserve it!"

They came...

The 12.000 tickets sold out the first day or so, IIRC. They changed the concert to a bigger place and, again, they sold out every single ticket.

They came to Portugal a couple of times more, and they always sold out all the tickets.

Funny, isn't it?

Re: Why Brother?

ambs on 2004-10-18T14:56:02

The idea is a little like COG told. Cutting down the price can make more perl hackers to subscribe to the magazine. For example, I imagine a lot of students of the University where I work would buy it. But, they are students! They don't have money, by definition.

Re: Why Brother?

drhyde on 2004-10-22T08:58:35

30 yankee-pesos == Nearly Free.

Re: Why Brother?

ambs on 2004-10-22T09:07:14

Not for all European countries.