OSCON is over?

ambs on 2004-08-03T13:56:06

Yes, I think so. Mailing lists are more active. I wonder I could go there and meet you all.

Well, I couldn't. Maybe I can meet some of you if we have luck with YAPC::EU::2005.

But, most important... anybody knows if brian started the difficult task of sending Perl Reviews to Europe?

Yup, it's over

Ovid on 2004-08-03T15:10:45

OSCON ended last Friday, though there were a few unofficial meetings last Saturday. Unfortunately, I suspect OSCON won't happen in Portland next year due to limited hotel space.

It's a shame you coulnd't make it. OSCON is wonderful. Even if I hadn't made it to a single meeting, I would have had a blast catching up with all of my old friends.

TPRs to Europe

brian_d_foy on 2004-08-04T13:57:58

I mailed all subscription issues on Monday, August 2. All international mail went by air mail. I'm not sure how long that's supposed to take (maybe people can tell me when they get it).

In the next couple of days I will send out the PDF versions too.

Re:TPRs to Europe

ambs on 2004-08-06T18:47:09

To be registered, I received my copy in Portugal on Friday, 6 August.