Yes, I think so. Mailing lists are more active. I wonder I could go there and meet you all.
Well, I couldn't. Maybe I can meet some of you if we have luck with YAPC::EU::2005.
But, most important... anybody knows if brian started the difficult task of sending Perl Reviews to Europe?
OSCON ended last Friday, though there were a few unofficial meetings last Saturday. Unfortunately, I suspect OSCON won't happen in Portland next year due to limited hotel space.
It's a shame you coulnd't make it. OSCON is wonderful. Even if I hadn't made it to a single meeting, I would have had a blast catching up with all of my old friends.
Re:TPRs to Europe
ambs on 2004-08-06T18:47:09
To be registered, I received my copy in Portugal on Friday, 6 August.