Perl LinkedLists

ambs on 2004-07-05T13:45:29

Somebody offered me Algorithms with Perl. Opened it, looked to the index and saw: linked lists. I though that it will be a Larry-like-chapter saying: use perl lists.

The truth is that they really show how to implement a linked list (just as I would implement them) but, does anybody really uses linked lists in Perl?

Fibonacci heap

jmm on 2004-07-05T16:52:02

The only place that I have used linked lists in perl [in code that actually gets used] is internally within the Fibonacci heap module. The Fibonacci heap gets defined later in the same chapter, and used later in the book to find minimum spanning tree (with Prim's algorithm) and shortest path - these graph algorithms, when used on large graphs, really need the performance of the Fibonacci heap to work well. I've had enough used feedback to show that the heap module collection does get used bu other people too.

Re:Fibonacci heap

ambs on 2004-07-05T17:50:38

John, I really need to read your book. It is one of those that I wanted to have, but had some others first in the queue. Thanks to James Tisdall I have now your book.

By the way, never had the oportunity to say this to a book author: thanks for the time taken writing.


jmm on 2004-07-05T18:54:11

Thank you.