How to envangelize...

ambs on 2004-06-23T14:27:17

So, we contracted on window-based programmer. He will work soon on Linux (slackware, hehehe -- evil grin) and program C and Perl.

Ideas about how to start envangelization?


phillup on 2004-06-23T17:34:47

let him get used to not having his MS visual ide first.

Then, slowly... he'll realize that while the ide isn't "pretty" like Windows, he doesn't have to fight it to get it to do what he said.

You won't really have to do anything... just wait.

Be good technical support

btilly on 2004-06-24T03:59:29

One reason that people hate switching systems is that the new one makes them feel stupid. They don't know how to get things done. Stuff that should be simple becomes a blockade. Sometimes you just have to think differently.

Anyone who can't get over that hump will hate the new system and never go farther. So anything that you can do to make it easy to get over that hump will help.

Further than that, be sure to be painfully honest in comparing advantages and disadvantages of the new and old system. Bend over backwards to give Windows the benefit of the doubt. This helps keep your credibility up, and makes the advantages that you point out have much more impact. It also puts you in a good frame of mind to learn how the other person used to work, so you can see how to adapt that to the new system.


Re:Be good technical support

ambs on 2004-06-24T11:33:11

Normally I am very helpful in anything I can :-)