Why people continue insisting that programmers write texts, like documentation, articles, program evaluation issues and so on?
We all know that we can't do such things. We write, but who will read and understand it?
I know quite a few programmers who can and do write and many of them write well. Some don't, but many write well enough to communicate with a little editing. I think the rest are capable of writing well enough that a good tech writer can create readable documentation.
Besides, if you can't explain what the system does, how it does it, and why it does it, how could you have programmed it?
Re:Writing or Writing Well?
cog on 2004-06-20T21:35:56
That's true, but then you're spending time writing when you could be coding... O:-)Re:Writing or Writing Well?
chromatic on 2004-06-22T23:08:23
Almost every time I've written documentation for my code, I've found things that I don't want to write about because they're yucky. That's lead me to fix them and I like those results, if not the process.