
ambs on 2004-01-29T22:02:19

Speaking of Simon, when I invited him I was preparing a Perl session. The interesting, was his answer: should I talk about Perl or Ruby?

I know ruby already (well, I know it exists, and I did see some code examples) but I wasn't expecting this "change" from Simon.

When I compile Ruby, I love to have a autoconf/automake installation scheme (shame on Perl) but I hate not having tests (shame on Ruby).

I still didn't have time to learn Ruby, but can you guys, who read this, point where Ruby is better than Perl, and where Perl is better than Ruby?

Where is Ruby better....

speters on 2004-01-30T03:26:19

I think there are two places where Ruby is better than Perl: OO and threads. Since Ruby was designed with both in mind, they are both much better implemented in Ruby than in Perl.

Re:Where is Ruby better....

ambs on 2004-01-30T10:33:24

I love perl OO :-) I hate to have to compile Perl again to have threads :(


jhi on 2004-01-30T07:08:29

> When I compile Ruby, I love to have a autoconf/automake installation scheme (shame on Perl)

I'm always very curious of what people find to be so excellent in autoconf/automake (*). If you are referring to the Perl Configure by default being interactive (shame on GNU configure), I can't really see what GNU configure has that either Configure -des or configure.gnu don't have.

(*) Personally I find the GNU configure/build system to be an abomination.


ambs on 2004-01-30T10:30:45

In fact, I do not mind to have iteraction (ok, configure for Perl as too many iteraction :-)). It is true, also, that Perl Configure has many interesting lines :-)

Although I do not think that GNU configure/build system is an abomination (of course it could be better, but I think they accept suggestions) I like to have a package, and know how to install it (to have a recipe). configure && make && make check && make install...

Ok, you can say perl is similar (Configure && make && make test && make install) but you know that, I also know that. For a new user, he will waste some seconds/minutes to discover (not bad, he will learn something). For some others, they will think that Perl configure/build system is an abomination :-)

OK, after all this text, I didn't gave any good reason why I prefer configure/automake... maybe because we are too used to it...

Ruby vs Perl - the short version

djberg96 on 2004-01-30T17:27:39

Where Perl is better:
Unicode support

Where Ruby is better:
OO and Exception handling

Syntax is arguable (just talk to Python people!), but I prefer Ruby's.

Re:Ruby vs Perl - the short version

ambs on 2004-01-30T21:02:32

Only to say I like ugly syntaxes. I hate Python. Too much clean, and I can't manage to like forced indentation. I like to indent it, but when I have the time ;)