The Business of Software - Help for the microISV

alfiejohn on 2007-02-02T14:25:30

Over at my use.perl journal where I duplicate this blog, clscott left a really intriguing one-worded, hyperlinked comment - 'Marketing'.

Taking the bait, I jumped on the link and landed at Joel on Software. However it wasn't the entertaining posts that I was accustomed to by Joel on Software. It wasn't even Joel at all. It was a discussion forum with people talking about the art of microISVs.

microISVs are vendors where the project management, marketing, sales, coding, support and coffee is done by a single person. When reading this, I subconsciously paraphrased Homer Simpson. "they were guys like me. Guys like me? I'm a guy like me".

After lurking for a couple of hours and going through the archives I decided the test the waters. First post. Having been bitten on Usenet, Slashdot and Digg, I really didn't get my hopes up for a response.

What a surprise. Instead of hazing, condesendence or annoying flash ads, I got positive feedback, suggestions, links to gurus and even a request to be interviewed!

I would suggest that if your in the same boat and paddling up the proverbial stream, head over to BoS and feel the love.

Alfie John

Friday February 02, 2007

Business of Software

scot on 2007-02-02T16:26:53

Thanks for the pointer to the BoS Site++!

Thnx for the reminder!

renodino on 2007-02-02T19:42:34

I had seen that site some months ago...but us uISVs have scarce little time for pouring over all those discussions, and I forgot about it. Your post reminded me of that "To Do" item, and now I've picked up a couple of the recommended books.

if only I could find time to sift thru all those discussions...<sigh/>

Eric Sink's Book

jonasbn on 2007-02-10T16:02:14

I have heard about the forum, but never really taken the time to use it or follow it.

But I can recommend the book by Eric Sink, which has it's foundation in his articles from MSDN.

I gave a talk on starting your own microISV at YAPC::Europe in Birmingham and I am still in the process myself - if you want the slides I can make them available to you - and I actually think I have an article somewhere aswell.

I am willing to share ideas and discuss things if you are interested.