Hey. I too am starting a similar website such as yours, and am curious to know if there is any way we could help each other out.
Thanks, Andre.
Ever since I read The Art of Unix Programming, I fell in love with the ideals of the hacker culture and the Open Source way.
This book started me on a wild journey down the adverturous path of the GNU. It talked about the advantages of using "higher level languages" and that C/C++ wasn't always the answer. This prompted me towards learning Perl. As they say... the rest is history.
The Perl programming language has taught me a lot. Not just about the way I code, but about community. Perl has this great thing called the CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) that is totally community driven which no other language can even compete with, not even Python and PHP combined.
So when I read the email above I was at first apprehensive. But then it came to me. Instead of just helping Andrew, why not help the community out there who might be learning how to use Perl to build their website or just dipping their feet at Web 2.0.
That's why i've decided to release the entire source code to Freehouse.com.au.
Just be nice (this means you Stephen :). It wasn't made for public consumption so there is no documentation or comments. Althought I did try to make it as maintainable as possible.
Feel free to give me some feedback. If you send me a patch, I might even include it into the site :)
Alfie John
alfiejohn on 2007-01-23T08:51:42
Hey Ron!
> Why did you use Class::DBI, and not Rose?
Simply because that was what I was used to at the time and I was taking the path of least effort.
I haven't had a chance to look at Rose or DBIx::Class although regardless of past Class::DBI politics, I think it fits what I want to do quite nicely.
In particular, all I want is:
* Get/set attributes for mapped objects
* Search/retrieve
* The ability to do complex SQL with ease
And now that I've worked on a couple of projects using Class::DBI, I can bend it into all different kinds of shapes.
PS: Since you left, Queen/Night pawn is now affectionately called the 'Ron Pawn':) Re:Class::DBI
Ron Savage on 2007-01-29T04:32:15
WTF? I don't let/guys/ refer to me affectionately!