YAPC Day 1

ajtaylor on 2002-06-27T01:14:56

Well, here I am at YAPC with all my fellow perl mongers. And from the number of folks w/ laptops & wireless connections I have to say I feel a bit like a fish out of water. But hey, at least I'm here. We got in late this morning and missed Larry's opener. I'm hoping that Gnat videotaped the whole thing and not just the darkness when Larry turned off the projector. :-)

I learned a bit about Mason this morning, and then I went to Damian's Perl 6 talk. They both were very informative and interesting. I look forward to playing with Mason in the future. Now if I could just bolt on the user/authentication/groups features of OI with the excellent component goodness that is Mason I would be in hog heaven.

Tomorrow looks quite interesting as well with lots of short talks. I'm glad I'm here w/ a co-worker so we can split up and share notes later. Next year I'm resolving to have a personal laptop to bring. Oh, and it must have lots of stickers on it as well. I particularly like the "Coding is not a crime".