Unusual Day...

ajt on 2006-08-24T19:28:21

Today has been strange...

  • At 00:30 I got a call from our office in Oz complaining that SAP wasn't working. The call didn't wake me up, so someone else had the job of going into work in the wee hours to find out why SAP wasn't working. Turins out it's some piece of sh*te Java program called IRMS that had corruppted a JFS2 file system that SAP needed.
  • When I arrived various B2B processed had failed, partially because of the problem with SAP and partly because our customer thinks "&" is valid on it's own in the middle of XML.
  • Since our MS Exchange servers have been upgraded and most of us have been migrated onto a new domain, we've had consistent and and persistent email problems. Today was no different, I can only send email from my work's notebook, the desktop system can send but the Exchange server claims the user doesn't exist and returns it pronto.
  • I had the joy of "lock this account until further notice" for a user: I gather he walked rather than being pushed - don't know if that's because of the Exchange cock-up or not.
  • On the upside, I fixed some authorisation issues, processed a lot of paperwork and did some neat stuff on the webserver I didn't think I had time to do.