I've been trying to get Maypole to work at work. On paper it looks perfect for what we want, but it's been a hard install. It's not a problem with the application, rather that I've been working on it in spare minutes here and there, which just isn't efficient. I've also broken it once or twice with typos which break it in hard to fix ways, which doesn't help either.
Anyhow the nice people on the list helped me get more of it working, and I'm a lot happer about it now!
Re:feedback is always appreciated
ajt on 2005-10-01T10:50:38
I had no problems with the basics, getting the BeerDB up and running was easy enough. Making my own DB wasn't too hard either. I did find that small typos in the SQL or application were hard to find, rather than get a warning or helpful error message, it just didn't work. That's a consequence of mod_perl and subtle SQL difference between sqlite and mySQL, not a problem of the application per se.
The biggest problem was authentication and authorisation. The application is pretty much useless without these two. Alas these two functions are in separate modules, and their example code doesn't integrate with each other, you have to do that yourself. Once you mentally fill in some blanks, and get help off the list, it's actually quite logical, and it does seem to work quite well.
One good fully documented example would be really useful...