People Use Windows XP...?

ajt on 2005-08-29T13:58:22

I'm required by my employer to use Microsoft Windows as my desktop client system at work. Over 95% of my work is actually done on AIX or Linux systems, and even though I have begged for a Linux desktop system I have to use Windows because it's the "company standard".

Recenty I've been given Windows XP on a notebook system to use at home. Personally I would have prefered Windows 2000 - if I must have Windows, it's not a fast box and it doesn't have much RAM. Even after turning off all eye-candy, it's slower than my old desktop system running Debian sid. The XP box has a PIII-696 CPU and 256Mb RAM, the Debian box has a PPro-200 and 128Mb RAM.

What really shocked me was how painfully slow Outlook/Exchange is. I hate Outlook beyond description, it's probably the worst email client I've ever used. At work I'm forced to run Outlook, but it's over a LAN so I don't see how slow it is. Running mutt/Thunderbird with IMAP over my ADSL link at home is fine, running Outlook over the same link is painful, it takes minutes to start and close - it's really pathetic!

Outlook Web Access

jmcada on 2005-08-29T19:00:04

Over a slow line you might be okay using outlook web access, if you company offers it. The best part is that you can use it on Firefox on Linux!

Re:Outlook Web Access

ajt on 2005-08-29T20:21:42

I don't think it's available.

You would think a 512k ADSL line would be fast enough? but not for Outlook/Exhange. I've used Eudora with IMAP over a VNP running on dial-up, connecting to an email server in the US from the UK without any problem. How come running Outlook over ADSL to a server 12km away is so slow? What did Microsoft do? write special code to make it so slow and buggy - you would have to try to make something that bad!