Yesterday my better half burnt her first CD, with K3B. After a sucessful burn she wanted to test the new CD, so we put it in the CD drive and Konqueror mounted it for her automatically. Getting out was more fun, umount would not play ball, and until Knoqueror was killed it wasn't possible to umount the disk and eject it.
I've used Unix/Linux for a long while now, and I'm happy with how they works, why they do things and why the Unix way is generally the better way. My better half is a Windows power-user, in that she really uses the applications and knows how they work, but doesn't administer Windows. Converting her from Windows to Debian/KDE is quite interesting - she finds all sorts of really stupid things in the GUI that I don't notice...
GUIs were designed by bright people, somethings they got right, others were just plain stupid. Apple and later Microsoft spent a lot of money wathcing real people use GUIs and they made a number of interface changes, mostly for the better. Linux and Unix GUIs just have not been "normal" proofed yet, KDE and GNOME may be very good, but they do, do lots of counter intuative things...
I'm well aware that I can make my system automount stuff, which I'll set up for her next...