On my home server I have written and published a few articles to amuse my self. Nice mister foy even published one on Perl/RSS for me in the free version of The Perl Review.
Recently I gave my father an old PC running Debian, and he is very happy with it. I wrote some notes down of what I did, and put it in my local LUG web site wiki, and on my server. It even made it up onto The Linux box, here and they even read it out on air on their show.
The article isn't revolutionary, but it did generate quite a bit of commentary from people trying to set up a computer for their relatives. I've now promised to write them a follow up, and possibly some more stuff. The next possibility is The Best Linux distro, which should generate some controversy.
However I really need to write up the Perl/SAP thing we did at work, I've done some notes, and started it, I just need to do the middle and the end...