SAP Day 2

ajt on 2005-04-05T20:00:32

Today was nice an bright, so the walk from the station to the SAP office was almost pleasant. My train connections on the way in were good too, though not so good on the way home.

I'm really not having a good time though. The course manual is dreadful, it's clearly translated from a German original, and it's not been properly edited. The language is contorted, complex, and contradictorary, and coupled with SAP's insistence on using their own language rather than more typical computing terms, makes it all very hard to read and understand.

The course is also running on Windows PCs rather than a proper server, so server admin is horribly painful via various third party packages, SSH or SSH/X would be much easier to deal with. Naturally we're running Windows client systems, which are also horrid, and variously broken from student to student.

Considering how much money SAP charged my boss for the course I'm not best pleased, at least the money didn't come out of my pocket!