Yesterday when I got home, the current The Perl Review was waiting for me. I've not had time to read it yet, I've been working on setting up a Debian Sarge desktop system for my dad for the past few days, but it does look interesting from the cover.
I really must get my arse in gear and write brian the article I promised him. I have actually started writing it, but so far I've only got part way through the introduction and some of the notes.
Re:Perl Porn!
ajt on 2005-03-23T20:02:40
I hadn't thought of that... Lots of ordinary stuff in the UK comes in plain brown envelopes, so I wouldn't have made the same connection.
It's a thought, that if I write up a nice article on enterprise Perl usage, somewhere in the world when it arrives, someone will think that it's p0rn.