OO.o et al starting to expand

ajt on 2005-01-20T13:03:47

This week I spotted a few articles showing OpenOffice.org and Mozilla.org based browsers expanding in large scale roll-outs. There are the well publicised Munich, Paris and Bergen roll-outs, and it now looks like the French Gendarmerie Nationale could be getting up to 80 000 copies of OO.o. If you are a Swiss citizen in Geneve then your tax software comes with a free copy of WinLibre an TheOpenCD like package of OpenOffice, Firefox, CDex, Zinf et al.

While people are still using this free and open software on a closed operating systems, it's still a step in the right direction. Even if you don't use or like them, these programs are competing against the Microsoft monopoly, which is good, as it's got awfully stagnant in the Windows world...

With luck these first steps to open software will, with time, mature into migrating to open source operating systems too..