ajt on 2004-11-12T17:54:11

Today was my RHCT exam. I passed the first part, they tell you there and then if you have, everyone but one poor soul managed that without too much of a problem. The second stage was more challenging, not because it was hard per se, but because you had to do quite a few tasks, and it's easy to make mistakes. It's a closed book exam, and I think with my notes I could have got 100% pretty quickly, but as you have to remember some things, I know I lost some marks on the stuff I'm least familiar with.

I'll find out if I passed next week. If all goes well I'll try and get on the RH252 course next year, which is the one I really want to do. After that I can try the RH302 "RHCE" exam, which is a lot more challenging.

It's all quite useful as I have to set up a new RedHat server at work next week, and now I'll know what I supposed to do, rather than hacking it...