Sharp End

ajt on 2004-05-09T18:23:16

As I have previously mentioned our Parish web site is awful. Recently, a small local firm has been awared a contract to run the site by the Parish council, using both public and private funds. I have mumbled about the site for some time, but not actually written a direct complaint to anyone in a position of authority.

Today was a letter writing day. So after writing a few formal letters, I was in a mood to write to the council to complain. While there are many awful things wrong with the site, I felt the best approach was to work on the measureable things: awful mark-up, lack of cross platform functionality, poor usablity and best of all poor accessability. It's illegal to discriminate against some one in the UK because of a disability (e.g. blindness or dyslexia) even on a web site. The site is awful, and while it's pretty lousy for "normal" people, it's much worse for anyone with a disability - which should scare the council into acting.