This week I uploaded version 0.13 of XML-RSS-Tools to CPAN. Some nice soul ran a test of it for me on their SPARC box, and it failed some tests. The problem is, I don't know what's actually wrong, the test report I got doesn't have enough useful information in it. I know it passes all tests on Linux/5.6.1, Linux/5.8.0 and Windows/5.8.0, with and without XML cataog support. The only problem may be with XML::LibXML & XML::LibXSLT, which periodically change their behaviour - and have tripped me up before.
What I should look into is making the test failures more diagnostic, so I have a better idea of what went wrong, and hence how to fix it.
Re:Playing with it
ajt on 2004-03-31T17:45:12
Ta, as good as XML::LibXML & libxml2 are as a combination, they are a bit of a moving target - which where I fear my problem lies. Do let me know if you are able to dig deep enough to find out why it's not working, I will then do my best to fix it!
Re:Ask the tester
ajt on 2004-03-31T18:02:10
The same tester found a problem with 0.13_6, but never replied to my email. Thankfully in that case I was able to figure out what the problem was without their input. Ironically their system tested and passed version 0.13_7, which as far as I can tell is identical to 0.13 with respect to the test suite and the code in question...
I think that libxml can return different XML depending upon which version you have, small white space changes are (mostly) valid in XML, but make checking that it's correct a real pain from the point of view of testing!