IE Bugs

ajt on 2004-02-26T10:58:24

Apparently I was facing two defects in IE. Both centre around IE's very broken float implementation.

The first bug is "The IE Three Pixel Text-Jog", and the second is the "Peek-a-boo IE6 bug". Thankfully there is a sane solution to both problems, so I can work around the broken behaviour of IE6 without messing up the correct behaviour of Mozilla, Opera or any other standard compliant browser.

I also discovered the /* Position is Everything */ site in the process, and it's well worth adding to your bookmarks, if it's not there already!


WebDragon on 2004-02-27T00:11:36

posistion is everything! dude, I SO owe you for linking to this!

The Dogfish Head Shelter Pale Ale is on me next time you're in Delaware :)


ajt on 2004-02-27T11:25:17

Glad you like the link, it solved a lot of my problems, so I was happy to share.

Don't know "Dogfish Head Shelter Pale Ale", in the unlikely event that I visit the US in the near future I shall endeavour to test it.