Blosxoms, Bryars and Blikis

ajt on 2004-02-01T10:01:34

I recently upgraded my home system from NT to Debian Linux at home. Over the last month or so I've been ironing out some of the wrinkles left over from the upgrade. On the whole, most things went well and I'd have to say that on balance Debian Linux 3 makes a better desktop OS than Windows NT4.

This weekend I started to fix the final bits that were left over from the upgrade. Basically I had a small wiki that I used for creating notes to remind me to do things (CGI::Kwiki) and configuring analog for web log file analysis.

Analog was easy enough to set up and configure and now it does it's stuff as directed by cron. I run a few virtual servers on the box, so it's just a case of creating one master config file, and the variants for the virtual servers. It's easy to do, but it's been a low priority.

Today is my day to re-install CGI::Kwiki. I had it running under NT, even though it fails the tests. The test file isn't portable, and though there has been a bug listed against it on RT for 9 months, Brian has been too busy to fix it. I did send him some HTML patches that got worked into a version of it, so I suppose I should send him a test patch if it hasn't been patched yet.

I never actually installed a blogging application on the NT box, so yesterday I installed blosxom on the box. It took a while to figure it out, but it seems simple enough, and seems to work perfectly well. I thought about it, because I read the recent article on that mentioned it again: Blosxoms, Bryars and Blikis, so I decided to do something constructive.