This week I started to overhaul an old module for use in a new project at work. As I was at the oncologist for my monthly visit on Friday, I've done some work on it at home to make up for the day off.
My basic idea was to take the old (unpublished) module, take the guts out of it that I wanted, go over them to clean them up and make it OO, and release on CPAN. Once it was good enough to go into CPAN, I'll be good enough to use at work.
Not that most people at work have any idea what I do, but I like to think I code in a way that a random Perl user could understand, if I got hit by a bus, or my condition took an unpleasant turn someone would have to carry on with what I've done.
I also had a look at the more complex, but similar module ConfigReader::Simple, and I think I can patch it to give it some of the things my module can do - well the useful bits if nothing else. The multi-line option was easy to add, however I don't know if it will break how people have been using the module in the past. I know the tests pass, but they only test a small subset of the possible uses, and I wouldn't want to break something that some poor soul has been replying on.
Re:Merging modules
ajt on 2004-01-18T20:58:36
I'm sure they can, or at least enough functions to make ConfigReader::Simple do what I need. I've already toyed with a patch, posted in response to an earlier thread, and over the next week I'll tinker a bit more to make sure all is well.