Dead Hamster

ajt on 2003-05-27T14:18:16

My "hamster" powered computer at work died over the Bank Holiday weekend. When I came in to work today the computer would not boot, the disk made a few horrible noises and that was it. It was a pretty feeble PC, old PII-350 CPU, not enough disk or RAM, and pretty naff really. Still it was faster than what I have at home, but clearly Dell hardware can take it where as Compaq can't.

I've not exactly got a new machine, but a PIII-733 with 256Mb RAM is a step up, and as it's considered "too underpowered" for XP, I've only had 2K put on it, so it's actually quite quick.

Annoyingly I've had to re-install Perl 5.8, and Apache 2, all over again, but at least this time I know what the problems should be up front!