I'm suffering with quite a terrible cold, I've not had a proper nights sleep for nearly a week now, and I'm becoming quite irritable to say the least.
Here are a number of random rants, directed randomly into cyberspace...
* I've given up trying to drag Perl 5.005_03 upto date, and just pulled 5.6.1 down, and recompiled.
If you come to Paris and want to attend a Paris.pm meeting, or even better, want to Paris Mongers to organise a meeting just for you, do not hesitate to drop a mail to email the head monger (grinder).
You can also have a look at our page for foreign visitors.
Re:Coming to Paris often?
ajt on 2003-02-07T13:18:41
I probably go to Paris more frequently that I go to London. I don't have any family in London, whereas I do in Paris, so it's easier to stay in Paris over night than London. It's also cheaper to go to Paris to visit my better-halves family than it is for me to head north and visit my family....
I'm hoping to go to some of YAPC::Europe if my summer holidays fall close enough. I like the "Tati" colour scheme by the way
:-) I must admit that I've looked at the Paris.pm pages before, and considered it, I just need to get organised.....
I really should find and join a group, but rural Hampshire is not the best place to get to or from late at night. I got as far as joing the London.pm mailing list (digest), but I've not got round to actually going to a meeting yet...
Thanks for the invite anyway, it's nice to know that Perl community is generally a nice place, with decent people in it.