Cold induced rant

ajt on 2003-02-06T11:37:04

I'm suffering with quite a terrible cold, I've not had a proper nights sleep for nearly a week now, and I'm becoming quite irritable to say the least.

Here are a number of random rants, directed randomly into cyberspace...

  • Why is MS Outlook such a terrible email client? and do people try to emulate it?
  • Why do Linux distros often have such ancient version of Perl installed on them? and why is it so awkward to upgrade Perl without breaking something else on the box (this is my current challenge*)?
  • Why do some men drive themselves to the train station in the morning, and then force their wife to drive the car home again, forcing her to wiggle across from the passenger's seat to the driver's seat?
  • Why are so many web sites to terrible? Yesterday I tried to book some Eurostar tickets from London to Paris, terrible experience, then I tried the UK Passport agency and the French Consulate to check on my soon to expire passport - terrible experiences...
  • Why do managers never listen to you when you are worried?
  • Why do most book shops totally mess-up the location of most of their technical books?

* I've given up trying to drag Perl 5.005_03 upto date, and just pulled 5.6.1 down, and recompiled.

Coming to Paris often?

BooK on 2003-02-07T09:51:21

If you come to Paris and want to attend a meeting, or even better, want to Paris Mongers to organise a meeting just for you, do not hesitate to drop a mail to email the head monger (grinder).

You can also have a look at our page for foreign visitors.

Re:Coming to Paris often?

ajt on 2003-02-07T13:18:41

I probably go to Paris more frequently that I go to London. I don't have any family in London, whereas I do in Paris, so it's easier to stay in Paris over night than London. It's also cheaper to go to Paris to visit my better-halves family than it is for me to head north and visit my family....

I'm hoping to go to some of YAPC::Europe if my summer holidays fall close enough. I like the "Tati" colour scheme by the way :-)

I must admit that I've looked at the pages before, and considered it, I just need to get organised.....

I really should find and join a group, but rural Hampshire is not the best place to get to or from late at night. I got as far as joing the mailing list (digest), but I've not got round to actually going to a meeting yet...

Thanks for the invite anyway, it's nice to know that Perl community is generally a nice place, with decent people in it.