University Life

advocate_pm on 2004-09-23T22:57:52

Fresher's week started ok but is getting a bit boring now; actually looking forward to starting the lectures and whatnot! :S

note* always take a key when you go out for the night - if a flatmate goes home early, leaving you in a club a mile away By Yourself(!) things could turn ugly.

had the pleasure of talking to Beatnik on MSN the other night...I really wish I could have gone to Belfast :(

spoke to my course leader at uni and they said that i had the opportunity to spend two years abroad = Belgium and Germany (two European countries I've yet to see) either studying and/or working :D

You're always welcome to visit

Beatnik on 2004-09-27T17:01:59

I'll even introduce you to all the hottest places in town :)