13th Dec 2003

advent on 2003-12-12T16:50:19

Comments for Perl Advent Calendar Entry 13th Dec 2003. Comments posted below may be displayed on perladvent.org.

Another typo

eric.t.f.bat on 2003-12-14T22:17:12

I'm obviously far too anally retentive, but what the hell... there's a formatting bug in the calendar entry for "only" - the paragraph after the code section, starting with "If we'd used the latest version of B<File::chdir>...". What are you using to format these pages? It looks fairly clever.

Re:Another typo

2shortplanks on 2003-12-15T01:05:36

The site's written in POD and then is rendered using a combination of the Template Toolkit and Pod::POM.

And I have no idea why that section isn't rendering properly. It's as if there's not a blank line between it and the preceeding verbatium block. But there is.

I shall have to work out a test case and have a look at it (and forward it to Andy Wardley,) but I'll doubt I'll have time to do this before Christmas.
