6th Dec 2003

advent on 2003-12-06T00:51:35

Comments for Perl Advent Calendar Entry 6th Dec 2003. Comments posted below may be displayed on perladvent.org.

typos in the spamc section, procmail recipe issue

hughescr on 2003-12-08T19:40:11

You've got "spam" instead of "spamc" as the command line name in a bunch of places. Plus, no need to lock while running spamc in your procmail recipe. spamc can have many parallel instances without any problems. If you want to limit the number of child processes spamd starts, you can do that with the -m option to spamd on startup -- any "extra" spamc's will simply wait until a spamd become available.

Re:typos in the spamc section, procmail recipe iss

2shortplanks on 2003-12-09T18:30:27

Thanks for spotting that. I think I accidentally did that in the spell checker

You're right about the spamc thing, I should probably let all the spamc's do their work.

Re:typos in the spamc section, procmail recipe iss

hughescr on 2003-12-09T18:41:06

Well, I wrote spamc/spamd -- and I would recommend letting them all work ;)

Re:typos in the spamc section, procmail recipe iss

drhyde on 2003-12-12T08:36:44

And thank *you* for doing all the work :-)

speed of spamc using Mail::Audit?

markjugg on 2003-12-09T14:24:24

Great article.

So is there a way to have the speed of using spamc while using Mail::Audit? Would simply switching to pperl work?



Re:speed of spamc using Mail::Audit?

2shortplanks on 2003-12-09T18:44:59

There's no reason that you couldn't switch to pperl and get most of the benifits of spamc. I think the author uses it (on an industrial scale) for the same stuff (or so he admits here.)

I use procmail over Mail::Audit these days because I've found it to be more reliable - that's not to say I still don't use perl to do most of my mail filtering. Here's the bottom of my procmail script:

WHERE=`where_to_guv ${MAILDIR} ${DEFAULT}`

where_to_guv is a pperl script that just prints out the name of the mbox where my mail is to be filtered into. So I still get to use Mail::ListDetector and all the other nice Perl utilities that I use with Mail::Audit - I just don't get Mail::Audit to do my actual mail delivery anymore.

missing "use" or "require" line for "Mail::SpamAss

markjugg on 2004-05-17T15:06:46

Hmm. Looks like my subject line ran out of characters.

In the original Mail::Audit script in the article, shouldn't there be a line for "use Mail::SpamAssassion" or "require Mail::SpamAssassin" in there somewhere?