Pesky iBook

acme on 2003-01-06T10:12:10

For some reason, Stuffit Expander is broken on my iBook. Perhaps it is complaining that I didn't take it on holiday. This means I can't install or upgrade any programs. Why doesn't Apple bundle file decompression into the core, anyway? Looks like I'm going to have to backup and then reinstall Jagwyre...

You can get it from aladdin...

Elian on 2003-01-06T22:22:42

Aladdin is a good place to start, since they make it, and you can get it without needing stuffit expander to work...

Re:You can get it from aladdin...

acme on 2003-01-07T07:25:58

Yup, tried that. The latest version won't run either. No error message or anything, I get the opening window animation and then nothing :-(

Re:You can get it from aladdin...

Elian on 2003-01-07T10:44:33

You could open the Console app to see if anything's going on, but here's an easier trick.

Open up a Terminal window, and cd to wherever the installer is. (Probably ~/Desktop) Then find the executable inside the .app bundle and fire it off by hand. If the app was named Foo, then the real executable would be in When you do that, things will still work graphically as they should, but any messages will go to the terminal and you may at least have a chance to figure out what's going on.

Note that you do need the path relative to the top of the app bundle to make this work--you can't be cd'd into the bundle, nor can you put directories in your PATH, as then Cocoa/Carbon can't find the resources they need and things just fail.

James is my saviour!

acme on 2003-01-07T14:16:07

Turned out it was a corrupt plist file. Everything is okay now, phew...

Re:James is my saviour!

pudge on 2003-01-08T18:10:41

Was it your own personal user's preferences, or systemwide?

One trick I've been doing lately is using a completely pristine user account to check problems. So if Stuffit Expander won't work for me, then I try using it from a new user account and see if it works there.

Re:James is my saviour!

acme on 2003-01-08T19:45:08

The problem was in my own personal user preferences. It's still annoying - if the plist is corrupt then tell me about it, rather than die mysteriously ;-)