Work and holidays

acme on 2003-01-01T17:02:52

Holidays are fun. I should have more of them. I've spent the past week and a bit at the unfortunately-named Pee Pee Island Village, which was lovely. The diving kept me busy (leopard sharks! squid! thousands of sea urchins!) and the beach kept me warm (the water was 28degC!).

Work can be fun, especially if they give you toys to play with. I've been working for Fotango, which is part of Canon and for christmas they gave everyone in the company the new Ixus v3 / PowerShot S320, which is very shiny indeed. It includes the stunningly-obvious and yet previously-missing "Intelligent Orientation Sensor". Of course, to test it out properly I took some photos.

This year is going to be another great year. I have so many Perl plans, I don't quite know where to start. I definitely plan to do the Perl conference tour again this year.

And of course there's my new year's resolution...