Ickle world maps

acme on 2002-10-11T16:38:07

I'm like Brian, but instead of charts I like graphs and world maps. I spent yesterday evening adding littled coloured world maps to pm.org. If your group doesn't have a little map, find out your longitude and latitude and tell me (or even better, send me a patch to the XML ;-). I'm still working on a zoomed-up world map...

Longitude/Latitude of Victoria.pm seems wrong

jand on 2002-10-12T16:15:56

BC is on the west coast, not the east cost. The "official" Victoria/BC city location is:
Latitude: 48°26'00" Longitude: 123°22'00

Re:Longitude/Latitude of Victoria.pm seems wrong

acme on 2002-10-12T21:02:57

Ooooops, of course you're right. This will be fixed in the next site update.