Y::E day 3

acme on 2002-09-22T10:16:49

Well, I don't believe most of yapc::Europe day 3 actually happened. I made it up early, headed to the conference, caught the tail end of Dan's Parrot talk (hmmm, seems quite interesting, this Parrot thing...), enjoyed lightning talks, joined James for his OpenFrame talk, giggled at Larry's "Science and Perl", had lunch, gave a talk, learnt more about testing, and then it was auction time.

This was a particularly wild and crazy auction, even by YAPC::Europe standards. I'm sure a couple of rumours may have got out, but I'm proud to announce that Red, Gellyfish, Ranguard and I bid a total of 450 EUR to change the official colour of London.pm to orange for a year ;-) Worth every euro!

Some other things happened, but it's too improbable that they actually happened, so it's probably all a dream. I mean, nekkid schwern and damian? Never! (We have video. Wait and see...)

Ummm, and then there was beer. A lot of beer. And sausages. And pretzels. And beer...

p.s. wireless in airports rock

Have nekkid videos?

grue on 2002-09-22T10:31:58

You have video. Hey you could bribe back your EU450 for that *grin*. Besides I don't think we really want to see!