YAPC::Europe day 2

acme on 2002-09-20T10:22:37

Yesterday I got to the conference kind of late, and went into the OpenMMS talk. It looks like we may do MMS stuff at work, so I thought it could be interesting. He needed more live demos, but a cool thing he did was take a photo with a mobile phone and upload it live to a website using MMS and Perl. Cool.

Then I went to gellyfish's talk on SOAP, which is also quite interesting as the entire work project is one big web service, so I know a little about the subject. gellyfish wasn't very organised, but he did manage to ramble on for an hour without slides, which was good.

Then I went to Greg's "The Simulation and Visualisation of Objects in 3D", which was fun but needed more 3D rotating bouncing camels. A quick sausage later, and Paul's code coverage talk was good (more examples!).

The lightning talks were all fun: metaphors, WAIT, DNA, and Marathon. Then I locked myself near to power and did the movie for that day. I then went out with a German friend to a lovely posh restaurant near the opera, nice and relaxing for my talk today. Arrggh, talk! PANIC!