YAPC Europe 2002 bits 2

acme on 2002-09-19T16:14:51

The second YAPC::Europe 2002 movie is now up! (Quicktime, 3M).

nicely done :)

hfb on 2002-09-19T17:43:13

It almost makes staying home this week to paint and get the house ready for sale almost bearable. Alhough going into the office seems attractive by comparison so my lamenting not going to a perl conference may be slightly skewed :) I'd give you an idea I have for a yapc movie but I have fear you'd actually make it :)

Re:nicely done :)

acme on 2002-09-20T07:50:21

The thing about movies is that they involve scripts, plots, actors, planning shots, locations, and more things which involve preparation. That's why I did the bits ;-)