Mmm, goat

acme on 2002-08-28T17:02:18

The second day of the carnival was crazy. Unfortunately it wasn't as sunny as the first day, so everyone partied harder instead of sunbathing. I had some post-carnival drinks which was nice and relaxing once the helicopters stopped buzzing us.

This week Damian Conway is in London teaching and somehow convinced him to give two talks. Yesterday we had Hugo telling us about 5.10 and Damian talking about Life, the Universe, and Everything. It was brilliant, of course. Tomorrow he's talking about Perl 6, which should be good too (and attract even more people).

Today I've been mostly trying to reduce a SOAP::Lite bug to a small test case. It's been very frustrating indeed, but basically it's messing around with my objects and turning my $green object red. It's very frustrating. SOAP::Lite is good for simple stuff but we keep on finding bugs when we do complicated stuff.

You know, maybe we should write a dead simple, strict-spec-following, nice-internals SOAP library...